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「東京高円寺阿波おどり 特別観覧ツアー」のチケット販売開始!

「東京高円寺阿波おどり 特別観覧ツアー」のチケット販売開始!

全国の地域活性化に取り組む一般社団法人 地域文化承継パートナーズ(東京都千代田区)では、特定非営利活動法人 東京高円寺阿波おどり振興協会とともに、外国人観光客向けに、特別な空間で感動を体感できるプレミアムシート付きの特別観覧ツアーを販売いたします。この特別観覧ツアーは、出演者への利益還元を通じて文化の継承を目的としています。株式会社オマツリジャパンはツアーの企画・運営を担います。

Tickets for the “Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Special Viewing Tour” Now On Sale!

The General Incorporated Association, Regional Culture Inheritance Partners (located in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo), which is engaged in regional revitalization across Japan, will sell special viewing tours with premium seats where you can experience the excitement in a special setting, in collaboration with the NPO Tokyo Koenji Awa Odori Promotion Association. This special viewing tour, also known as the “Supporters Tour,” aims to preserve the culture by returning profits to the performers.



Overview of the “Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Special Viewing Tour”


The tour consists of three elements: (1) Learn, (2) Experience, and (3) Watch.

  • 学ぶ:まずはプロのガイドが東京高円寺阿波おどりの歴史をわかりやすく説明し、踊り方を指導します。

Learn: The tour begins with a professional guide explaining the history of the Tokyo Koenji Awaodori in an easy-to-understand manner, followed by instruction on how to perform the dance.

  • 体験:次に、一般の観客は入れない中央演舞場で、出演者と一緒に踊る貴重な機会をいただきます。地元の舞踊団と一緒に踊れば、お祭り気分を満喫できます。

Experience: Next, participants will have the rare opportunity to dance with the performers in the central performance hall, an area not open to general spectators. Dancing with local dance troupes allows participants to fully immerse themselves in the festival atmosphere.

  • 踊り終了後はプレミアム観覧席へご案内いたします。このフェスティバルには 100 万人近くの観客が集まりますが、快適で広々とした座席と素晴らしいサービスでお楽しみいただけます。

Watch: After the dancing, participants will be guided to premium spectator seats. While the festival attracts nearly one million spectators, tour participants will enjoy it from comfortable, spacious seating with excellent service.


・観覧席 Viewing seats

・フリードリンク(6種)Free drinks (6 types)


Snacks related to Koenji and Tokushima(presented by どりーむずかむとぅるー社)

・英語/中国語ガイド English/Chinese guide



Event Dates: Saturday, August 24, and Sunday, August 25, 2024


Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Reception starts at 3:30 PM)


Cost: 90,000 yen per person (limited to 40 seats)

会場:東京高円寺阿波おどり中央演舞場(東京高円寺阿波おどり 中央ステージ)

Venue: Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Central Stage


Reception: Koenji Hikawa Shrine(4-44-19 Koenji Minami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)


Experience all the charms of the Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Festival and create memories that will last a lifetime.


Special Event Page

Event Website


Ticket Information

Tickets (KKday):

Tickets (Rakuten Travel):


What is Tokyo Koenji Awa Odori?


Tokyo’s midsummer tradition, Tokyo Koenji Awa Odori, is a traditional performing art representing Japan with a history of over 400 years. This tournament was born in 1957 through exchanges with Tokushima Prefecture, the home of the event, and in recent years it has come to be known as a summer tradition in Tokyo, where 10,000 people dance to the cheers of 1 million people. It is an amazing sight to see groups called “Ren” perform dances with a wide variety of choreography to the Japanese-style fantastic music, which is based on a combination of gongs, drums, shime-daiko, large drums, flutes, and shamisen.


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For Media Inquiries

一般社団法人 地域文化承継パートナーズ (代表・田中)

General Incorporated Association: Regional Cultural Heritage Partners (Representative: Tanaka)

Email:[email protected]
